Continuous Improvement

    Our company applies Quality Policy, Quality Objectives, Auditing Results, Data Analysis. Corrective and Preventive Measures as well as Management Auditing, continuously improves the effectiveness of our quality management system.

Corrective Measures

    We adopt appropriate measures to eliminate the causes of failure so as to prevent the recurrence of being failure. The corrective measures must match the degree of impact from a failure and we also have to create the corresponding documents to standardize the requirements of the following issues:
    a. Determine the failure(include the customer’s complaint);
    b. Evaluate the requirements for preventing the recurrence of failure;
    c. Determine and apply the required measures;
    d. Record the results of the measures being taken;
    e. Evaluate the measures being taken;

Preventive Measures

    We adopt appropriate measures to eliminate the potential causes of failure so as to prevent the recurrence of being failure. The preventive measures must match the degree of impact from a potential failure and we also have to create the corresponding documents to standardize the requirements of the following issues:
    a. Determine the potential failure and causes;
    b. Evaluate the requirements for preventing the recurrence of potential failure;
    c. Determine and apply the required measures;
    d. Record the results of the measures being taken;
    e. Evaluate the measures being taken;